Saturday 19 November 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like a Crafty Christmas.

Well Ladies and Gentlemen,

It's that time of year again, John Lewis have made another tear jerker of an advert, there's talk of who's going to be number 1 in the charts, and your already planning who your nan is going to sit next to at dinner, so why not take a little time out and join us...

It's Bread & Buttons Christmas Craft Social!

This year we've got lots planned, we will be making hand printed wrapping paper, greeting cards, salt dough decorations (and felt ones too), we are also planning on making hand painted decorative tea light holders, so keep all of your jam jars!

We can't help but get a little excited about the prospect of settling down with a tipple in the Rummer Tavern and getting stuck in with all things handmade. Let's face it, we are all a little strapped for cash this year so why spend a fortune on 'run of the mill' when you can make your own unique gifts.

We hope you can join us on Thursday 8th of December for gin*, giggles & glitter.

Lots of love B&B x

*or drink of your choice

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